Online Digital Forensics Courses and Labs
Building a Low-cost and State-of-the-art IoT Security Hands-on Laboratory

Funded by National Science Foundation (NSF)
Funded by Cyber Florida


IoT Security and Privacy

Home                      Lecture Notes                        Assignment

Lecture 1: Introduction to IoT systems. (pdf)
Lecture 2: A case study of IoT applications - smart homes. (pdf)
Lecture 3: Review of IoT attacks. (pdf)
Lecture 4: Building IoT systems with Raspberry Pi. (pdf)
Lecture 5: Network security in MQTT. (pdf)
Lecture 6-1: Introduction to RSA. (pdf)
Lecture 6-2: Network security in HTTP, HTTPS and Websockets. (pdf)
Lecture 7: Introduction to AWS IoT. (pdf)
Lecture 8: System security with BootStrapping. (pdf)
Lecture 9: System security with TrustZone. (pdf)